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Advertise With Coffee News

Businesses love to advertise in Coffee News!


Exclusive Ad Space

Only one type of each category of business can advertise, providing local businesses with a competitive edge in the marketplace.


Locally Targeted

Businesses can target loyal customers close by, who have disposable income. The consistency of the message brings results! Repetition = Recognition.


Positive Environment

Coffee News® provides a positive environment for building top of mind brand awareness in the local community.


Easy & Flexible

Ads can be changed weekly, allowing small businesses the ability to offer a variety of messages and specials throughout the year.


Affordable Rates

"Pay as You Go" payment plans even the small business owner can afford.


Equal Exposure

You won't get eaten alive by bigger budgets! All ads are seen by the readers as having equal importance.


Readers Retention

Contests keep reader interest up.. Our contests produce increased exposure for Your Ad!


Fun Content

Coffee News content puts readers in a great mood! If they see your ad, they are more likely to take an interest in your business offer

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